birdman of New England

birdman of New England
the "thermals" warmed me

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A tale of two Controversies

Oscillating Fans

            I had time to kill in a hospital.  As I looked around the room for something to read, a Time magazine caught my eye.  It featured an article examining the procedure’s progress and regressions since 1973’s Roe vs. Wade decision.  The controversy is fascinating and compelled me to page to the debate. (Interestingly though, gun-control seems to be more controversial).

A sterile environment

The picture was familiar.  I’d seen it posted by pro-life advocates many times on Facebook.  On a silver tray, in perfect alignment, were the instruments necessary to perform an abortion.  A friend once called Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, as if this was the only thing they did.  He was adamantly pro-life.  I didn’t correct him, realizing, after years of debate, that some people refuse education.  I knew Planned Parenthood offered a lot more.  It offers choices, and that is the operative word.  They counsel the young mother; informing her of the other options available.  Now, I, as an adamantly pro-choice male, admit that it is unfortunate that abortion is at the end of that line of choices.  In the U.S. one out of three women chooses this by the time they’re forty-five.  They always will seek and find them, whether it is legal or not.  It might as well be done in a sterile environment.  So a clinic was created, perhaps in the back rooms of the Planned Parenthood building.  I doubt anyone’s happy about this; I doubt they come out smiling.  The doctor, the patient, the woman’s man (if she knows), the woman’s parents (who now must know when the mother is a minor) all are not proud of such a choice. I’d hope they aren't.  But the choice it’s there.  You'd might as well come to terms with it.

Restricting values

            Since January of this year the following restriction have been placed on obtaining an abortion in Minnesota:

·       The woman must get state-directed counseling that includes information to discourage her from the procedure.  She must then wait twenty-four hours before having it done.

·       Parents of a minor must get notified before an abortion is done

The caveats sound rational enough to me, but again, I’m only a man.   It also sounds somewhat familiar. 

            The stuffy echelons of the right-wing want the world like it was, at least before the sixties.  Some will pine for a time even earlier than that when men were men and women, well, had fewer rights than men.  They cherish a time when their gun was their only friend.  They’ll fight to the death (lately dyeing with pretty good success) the right to obtain that firearm with few, if any, restrictions. 

The Circle of life

            I can’t say when life begins.  That’s for judges, scientists, and doctors to ponder feudally.  It is not the issue here.   We know a few facts and, in the end, these are all that can direct our moral compass:

·       Women will abort their fetuses

·       People will always want guns; either to kill others or because they feel safer with them

·       America was founded as a democracy.  Freedoms and rights are infused it its citizenry

Okay, so the conservatives want abortion abolished (aren't these the descendants of the people who voted against the 13th Amendment?).  I constantly see schmaltzy Facebook posts overtly claiming how wrong the “killing” of babies is.  Aren’t these some of the same people who at one point tapped the domino that ultimately made it possible for the gunman to execute his plan at Sandy Hook Elementary?   I’d point out the hypocrisy in more detail but it would be lost.  It would fly over the heads of the gun lovers like the bullets flew at young children.

Come Together

            One side can’t wait, and sees it as an infringement on their constitutional right if they are asked to wait.  The other side sees it as a hurdle, a block not originally in the deal, if they have to wait.  Each wants instant access to their promised freedom.  You can’t ignore the irony here. 

            A group of women, one out of three to be exact, (58% in their 20’s, 61% who are already a parent, 85% unmarried, 69% economically disadvantaged, 73% with a religious affiliation) seek to eliminate their fetus.

These women have chosen to exercise the right Roe vs. Wade, a Supreme Court ruling, afforded them forty years ago.  Yes, they are killing in a simple sense of the word.  Although the fact is anyone can take out a life or the undetermined suggestion of one.

            A group of vigilantes, sovereign by the Second Amendment, seeks to “protect” themselves and their young children against the psychotic killer.  In 2009 there were 307 million people in the United States.  According to data from firearm manufacturers there were 300 million firearms owned by civilians.  100 million were handguns.  These patriotic Americans have chosen to exercise their Constitutional right afforded to them 222 years ago.

            Each seeks to take out a life; someone else’s, their own, or the debated one of the unborn.  They both want to be unfettered and free of government rule.  However one side valiantly tries to keep the flow of guns alive in America.  The other simply wants a choice.  All they ask is to be able to choose in the end whether they want to abort a pregnancy in a sterile environment.  Carrying it to term might endanger their life.  There might not be enough money, support, or education to raise a child; a child that could very well grow up feeling unloved, uneducated and resentful.  This is the psychopath, the one for whom the gun made accessible was earmarked.  It’s a tug-of-war.  The relatively smaller group of women’s actions will possibly prevent the angry young man Elvis mentioned in his song In the Ghetto from being born.   The other 300+ million are fighting to put a gun into his hands.  It got there completely unintentionally, but that is how the speculum bounces.